Thursday, July 4, 2013

Almost done with Part 2

     Well, it has been a very busy time for Drew and me, and writing has been slow. I must say that Drew has definitely been holding the boat together for now, as I have been very busy (and sometimes very lazy) in the past few months. Finishing up school was the worst of it, but also focusing on getting jobs and other things at this pivotal point of life took up much of our time.
     Yet here we are, almost finished with part two of our book. It is arguably the longest and most important part of the book, as it sets up the entire plot and brings the whole world setting into perspective. The writing has been rough, but it has also been some of our best writing we have ever done. There were times of joy and times of pain. In fact, the biggest problem was just how much time it took to get it done!
     At this point, to finish up this section's rough draft, Drew and I need only put together an estimated twenty pages of writing. We will do it together at one computer, rather than assigning half to one man and half to the other. This is because of the importance of this piece. Honestly, I believe the scene that we will build over the next week will be the hardest, most trying piece we will write in this book, because if we do not get it perfect, the rest of the book will be worthless.
     It is a daunting task, but we both relish the chance to take it on. We would both appreciate prayers during this time. We have a lot of writing left to do before the book is over, but at this point, we are trying to just think about this part. Almost two sections down, four more to go! And we already have about 300 pages total. It is amazing for us both to think about, and we are so thankful to God and our friends that have supported us this whole way. A huge thank you to everybody!

On a side note, we will be thinking of another scene to release to everyone pretty soon. It will probably be the first chapter, so be ready!
